Kelburn has a Licensed Restaurant ("Stables Restaurant") and a Tea Room. The
Restaurant is open from 10.30am. As a particular service to IRW participants
the Stables Restaurant can be kept open beyond its normal 5.30pm closing time,
with a special evening menu. At last year's event this facility and the
"Rocket Fuel Stop" menu were quite popular. This year's evening menu will be
posted on the IRW Web Pages nearer to the time of the event. Also, there may
be some informal evening social events held in the Restaurant - a Quiz is one
idea. SUGGESTIONS WELCOME. As is traditional at the LARGS events there will
be a Barbecue at the Pavilion on the Sunday evening (29th August), followed by
a talk and video/slide show given by a suitably eminent/persuasible rocketeer!
If anyone has anything to offer or suggest for this please do so!