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International Rocket Week (IRW) incorporating the International Rocket Weekend
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Monday 21st to Monday 28th August, 2000
Friday 25th to Monday 28th August, 2000 |
(International Rocket Week)
(International Rocket Weekend) |
Welcome to the International Rocket Week primary web pages.
These pages which give the main details of this year's International Rocket Week
(IRW), are linked to supplementary pages at: www.scotroc.force9.co.uk/largs
For the latest updates of this year's IRW details please go to these pages.
SCOTLAND") ROCKET FESTIVAL TO BE HELD AT KELBURN CASTLE & COUNTRY CENTRE. Organised by STAAR Research, with assistance from ScotRoc and the UK Rocketry
Association (UKRA), this IRW will build upon the successes of the Scottish
Rocket Weekends (1986 to 1991), the International Rocket Weekends (1992 to
1997), and the International Space & Rocketry Week of 1998 and 1999, all held at
Kelburn, near Largs. This growth of rocket festivals in Scotland was begun
and inspired by the Paisley Rocket Weekends held in 1985 and 1987, organised
by the Paisley Rocketeers' Society (PRS - founded in 1936 and still active!).
The IRW is open to all groups and individuals active or interested in
Model and High Power Rocketry in all its aspects, from all countries of the
world. Beginners as well as experienced rocketeers are very welcome to
participate. Spaceflight and space exploration enthusiasts are also welcome, as there will
be much of interest to them at the IRW, particularly in the realm of
Amateur and Independent Venture launch vehicle and space activities.
In recent years the LARGS/IRW event has developed into a gathering attended by
individuals, clubs and families. The Kelburn Castle & Country Centre looks
over one of the most spectacularly beautiful parts of the Scottish West Coast,
and is itself a naturally and spiritually embracing place. For non-rocket
flying family members there is much of interest to do at Kelburn itself and in
the area, including trips on the Clyde in the "Waverley", the world's last sea
going paddle steamer.
Note: During the IRW it is planned to have a group visit to the Museum of
Flight (National Museums of Scotland), near Edinburgh. Arrangements and the
date for this will be announced in due course.