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The British Amateur Space / Rocket Programme

ASRV-1 Flight Images

This page shows images taken of the ASRV-1 launch, in October, 1996. The images are framegrabbed stills from the AspireSpace onboard CCD colour video camera, which transmitted the images to the ground via the main onboard telemetry system.

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This framegrabbed video image shows the view from the ASRV-1 rocket halfway through its ascent.

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This framegrabbed video image is taken during the descent. As can be seen, the recovery system has deployed properly, and the booster section is slung under the payload section.

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This framegrabbed video image shows the view from the ASRV-1 rocket shortly before touch down. The recovery system was configured to allow the rocket to descend at a faster speed than usual, and this, coupled with the fact that there was little wind, meant that the rocket landed close to the launch site.

There was a fear that the rocket may incur some damage due to the faster than usual descent, but it was recovered completely unharmed.

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The last modification date of this web page was 01/10/2025 10:23:30
Copyright AspireSpace Rocket Programme, 1997
