Welcome to STAAR Research. The Scottish Rocket Programme !
If you wish to contact us, here are the STAAR Research Contact Details. We are always keen to hear from other like minded individuals around the world, and we welcome any suggestions you may have. We also maintain a list of UK rocketry resources through the following web pages:
Our origins and current activities can be found on our
STAAR Research page, as well as a number of waverider
Future Development Plans.
We also have the Annual
International Rocket Weekend, (with further
details available about:
Much of STAAR Research`s work is centred around waveriders. As well as information on the History of Waveriders, more details on these fascinating hypersonic vehicles can be found in the following sections :
The AspireSpace waverider project - we are also working with AspireSpace, whose current main waverider focus is on the Mark 14 Manned waverider concept.
The future of waveriders in STAAR Research.
Thank you very much for visiting our pages. Please call again soon !
Number of accesses (since April 22nd, 1996):
Text by : John Bonsor (STAAR Research), Rick Newlands (STAAR Research and
AspireSpace) and Richard Osborne (AspireSpace)
HTML Conversion by :
Richard Osborne (AspireSpace) with assistance from James Grinter
The images, diagrams and photographs of waveriders in flight will be arriving shortly ! Please bear with us. We have an awful lot
of them to sort out !
STAAR Research, 1995, 1996