Space Technology Applications, Astronomy & Rocket Research

Welcome to STAAR Research. The Scottish Rocket Programme !

Onboard video camera footage
returned by a joint AspireSpace
/MARS rocket flight

10 foot tall Ultimate Endeavour
rocket preparing for launch
by Andy Rowe

10 1/2 foot tall Nemesis III rocket
launched by Ben Jarvis (MARS)

Quantum Leap 2-stage rocket
on an ascent to 3400 feet
launched by Pete Davy (Thrust)

Text by : John Bonsor (STAAR Research). Acknowledgements for further information on other groups and records, to the United Kingdom Rocketry Association (UKRA), ScotRoc, AspireSpace and the Middlesex Advanced Rocketry Society (MARS).

Web Site developed by : Richard Osborne, with assistance from James Grinter. (GBnet)
Copyright STAAR Research, 1995-1999 Number of accesses: