Giftun Island
Catfish feeding
Blackish fish
Tracey and folk removing fins to race on sand
Tracey winning the underwater Olympics
Jennie pirouetting
Bos ...
Close-up of fusilier
Yellow/white fish with black stripe
Worm with feathers out
Fish under table coral
Bos looking relaxed
Tracey just about to/or having just given two fingers
Tracey writing "Where are we" on her slate
Jennie behind Tracey
Jennie again
Bos again
Jennie clearing her mask
Bos silhouetted
Bos taking a bearing (yeah right)
Bos and Tracey
Tracey and Jennie
Bos waving
Tracey with Bos and Jennie in the distance
Jennie from above
Tracey and Bos (from behind)