- Pluto Trans-Rapide Mission - A design for an ion-engined
true microspacecraft to race the Pluto Express Spacecraft to the planet Pluto.
- Soyuz 2000 - A concept which examines re-engineering the Soyuz spacecraft out of Carbon Fibre, developing a state of the art glass cockpit in the interior, and making extensive use of microsensors throughout the spacecraft.
- Lunar Waverider Return Mission - A design which examines the
feasbility of building a small manned spaceplane
which is delivered to orbit, from whence it flies to the
Lunar surface and returns, using waveriding for the atmospheric
decceleration and re-entry.
- Nanospacecraft concepts propelled using
compact electromagnetic rail-guns for initial accelleration and
then deploying solar sails.
- Inflatable Lunar Base - A design which uses either the Lunar
waverider, or small landers and microrovers to deliver the
payload to the lunar surface, and then assemble an inflatable
lunar base, using tele-operation to bury the base in lunar regolith
using the microrovers.
- Zero Point Energy Drive - An esoteric concept which examines the
use of zero point energy for a propulsion system.
- Quantum Tunnelling Drive - A concept in which a propulsion system
based on quantum tunnelling is postulated.
Richard Osborne, 1995-1997.