Links to UK space resources
Over 250 URLs!
Governmental agencies
Universities and other research establishments
Governmental agencies
British National Space Centre
MoD Directorate of Strategic Communications and Surveillance Systems
Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
Natural Environment Research Council
Met. Office
Universities and other research establishments
Aberdeen U. Space Policy Research Unit
Aberystwyth Physics (U. of Wales)
Armagh Observatory
Birmingham U. Astrophysics and Space Research
Bradford U. Electronic Engineering
Bristol U. Aerospace Engineering
Bristol U. Centre for Remote Sensing
British Antarctic Survey
British Geological Survey Geospatial Information Systems Group
Brunel Institute for Bioengineering
Cambridge Astronomy
Cranfield College of Aeronautics
Dundee U. Remote Sensing and Environmental Monitoring Research Group
Dundee U. NERC satellite images
Edinburgh U. Meteosat FTP images
Glasgow U. Aerospace Engineering
Goldsmiths College Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences
Heriot-Watt U. Remote Sensing
Imperial College London Space and Atmospheric Physics Group
and the IC
FTP site
U. of Kent at Canterbury, Unit for Space Sciences and Astrophysics
Kingston U. School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Production Engineering
Astronautics and Space Systems Group
Lancaster U. Planetary Science Research Group
Leicester U.
Space Research Centre
X-ray Astronomy Group
Radio and Space Plasma Physics Group
Leicester Database and Archive Service
Earth Observation Science
Manchester U. Isotope Geochemistry Group
Natural History Museum Dept. of Mineralogy
U. of Nottingham Institute of Engineering Surveying & Space Geodesy
Open University Planetary Sciences Research Institute
Beagle 2 lander
Open University Remote Sensing / Image Processing Research Group
Oxford Brookes U. Geological Remote Sensing Group
Oxford U. Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics
U. of Plymouth School of Electronic, Communication and Electrical Engineering
Queen Mary & Westfield College Astrophysics Group
Queen's U. of Belfast Astrophysics and Planetary Science
Remote Sensing Applications Development Unit
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Space Science Department
(RAL SSD) divisions:-
Astrophysics Division (SP)
Atmospheric Science Division (SN)
Space Instrumentation Division (SI)
Imaging Systems Division (SS)
Space Data Division (SD)
DAO Resources Division (SR)
Marketing Division (SM)
WWW servers:-
Starlink Project
Astrophysics Starlink Node
British Atmospheric Data Centre
Along Track Scanning Radiometer
Atmospheric Modelling and Data Interpretation Group
Millimetre Technology Group
Space Plasma Physics
SoHO Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer
Cluster Joint Science Operations Centre
UK Co-ordinated Data Handling Facility for Solar-Terrestrial Physics
UK Coordinated Data Handling Facility for Cluster
(UK-CDHF for Cluster)
Space Data Centre
Space Data Centre
(other URL)
Joint European X-Ray Telescope
World Data Centre C1 for Solar-Terrestrial Physics
INES Archive Data Server
Salford U. Dept. of Physics
Sheffield U. Astronomy Group
U. of St. Andrews Solar MHD Theory Group
Southampton U.
Astronomy Group
Aeronautics and Astronautics
Satellite Remote Sensing Group
Surrey Space Centre
Sussex U. Space Science Centre
UK XMM Information Centre
University College London (UCL)
Starlink Node
The Planetary Centre
ULO Regional Planetary Image Facility
Mullard Space Science Laboratory
Yohkoh Data Archive Centre
Climate Physics Group
Warwick U. Space and Astrophysics Group
York U. Magnetospheric Physics Group
Armagh Planetarium
Association for Astronomy Education
Astrodome Mobile School Planetarium
Bradford Robotic Telescope
Goonhilly Satellite Earth Station
Hereford Starlab
Herstmonceux Science Centre
Inconstant Moon
Jodrell Bank Science Centre
London Planetarium
Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester (Air & Space Gallery)
National Space Science Centre
(NSSC) & Challenger Learning Centre
The Nine Planets
(mirror site in Exeter)
The Nine Planets
(mirror site in Aberdeen / Dundee)
NMS Museum of Flight
Royal Observatory Greenwich
The Orbital Mechanics
The Satellite Centre
Science Museum Space Gallery
Helen Sharman's Home Page!
Royal Observatory Edinburgh Visitor Centre
Space Education Council
Space Education Trust
Space School UK
Star Centre, Sheffield Hallam U.
Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships at JPL
previous space-related features
The Planets
The Sky at Night
Tomorrow's World-
previous space-related features
Views of the Solar System
(mirror site in Cardiff)
Association for Geographic Information
Association in Scotland to Research into Astronautics
AstroSoc, U. of Birmingham
Bristol University SEDS
British Association for the Advancement of Science
British Astronomical Association
BAA Student Group
British Interplanetary Society
British Sundial Society
British UFO Research Association
Euroavia Southampton
The European Satellite User Group
Federation of Astronomical Societies
Geological Society
Harrogate Ladies' College Amateur Radio Club
Institution of Electrical Engineers
Institute of Physics
Island One Society
- web pages in Belfast
Leicester U. Astronomy Society
Leicester SEDS
Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Solar-Terrestrial
Mars Society UK
Middlesex Advanced Rocketry Society
Midlands Spaceflight Society
Oxford Space and Astronomical Society
The Planetary Society- British Volunteers
Remote Imaging Group
Remote Sensing Society
Royal Aeronautical Society
Royal Astronomical Society
Royal Institution
Satellite Navigation Group (SNG) of the Royal Institute of Navigation
Sheffield Rocket Association
Society for Popular Astronomy
Space Age Associates
Space Discussion Society
Space Pub Evenings
Space Settlers' Society
SPACE Society, U. of Kent at Canterbury
STAAR Research
Starchaser Foundation
UK Planetary Forum
UK Rocketry Association
Young Astronaut's Club
The Astronomer
Astronomy Now
Flight International
Jane's Spaceflight Directory
Journal of the British Interplanetary Society
New Scientist
Popular Astronomy
Space & Communications
Space Business International
Arthur C. Clarke Foundation
British Rockets and Satellite Launchers
David A Hardy's Astro Art Pages
Mapping The Moon
Mat Irvine's Smallspace
The Salopian Web
Spaceguard UK
Starships, Space Colonies and the like
Terraforming Information Pages - Martyn Fogg
UK Technology Bank
'Zarya' - Information on Soviet and Russian spaceflight
UKSpace- The UK Space Industry Web Site
AEA Technology
European Space Tribology Laboratory
Aegis Systems
Aetheric Engineering
Anite Systems
Anvil Technology
Association of Specialist Technical Organisations for Space
Avanti Communications
Ben Jarvis
Bradford University Remote Sensing
Bristol Spaceplanes
CIT Research
Commercial Space Technologies
Crawley Warren & Co. Space Insurance
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
Space Department
Dowty Aerospace Space Projects
EAE Teclecomms
Earth Observation Sciences
ERA Technology
Farnborough International Air Show
Fastlight aerospace artwork
Focal Communications
Formal Software Construction
Tim Furniss Spaceport
Genesis Space Photo Library
GISL International Consultants
(Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing and Informatics)
ICO Global Communications
IGG Component Technology
Mare Crisium
Maris Multimedia
Martin-Baker Aircraft Company
Matra Marconi Space
(MMS) (see also
Moltek Consultants
Multipoint Communications
National Remote Sensing Centre
NPA Group
Paradise Datacom
Pilkington Space Technology
Pioneer TV & film production company
Precision Antennas
Q-par Angus Space Applications
Racal Avionics
Racal Research
Reaction Engines Limited
Remote Sensing Applications Consultants
S&C Thermofluids
Satellite Media Services
Satellite Observing Systems
Science Systems
(for Serco Systems)
Signal Computing
Sira Electro-Optics
Skycom Telecom
Society of British Aerospace Companies
Space Innovations Limited
Spaceport UK
Surrey Satellite Technology
Thorn Satcom Data Services
TRL Technology
TS Space Systems
Vega Group
* Suggest a Web site *
Links Menu
Compiled by
Andrew J Ball