Who or what are BABT? How do I contact them?

The British Approvals Board for Telecommunications.

BABT (Northern Office): Now closed {*}.

BOIS System Administrator, Claremont House, 34 Molesey Road, Hersham, Surrey, England. KT12 4RQ. Tel: 01932 222289; Fax: 01932 229756; modem (database dial-up access): 01932 248032 and 01932 248062. Telex: 267478 BABT G.

The BABT On-Line Database, based upon data held on the OFTEL Register of Approved Apparatus, is now situated at the Surrey office.

Free public access is permitted to this database. It contains details of apparatus approved since 1st January 1984 & a list of of BABT Approval-related technical & administrative documents held by the BABT.

Database (free) dial-up access details Terminal emulation: VT-52, VT-100, VT-102, ANSI; Protocol: 2400/1200/300/1275 -> V32terbo full duplex; 8, 1, N

[my original correspondent had not attempted access, neither have I. I am informed by another that access is made through a guest account. Some services were due to be moved over to a subscriber only basis.]

If hard copies of BABT documents are required on a regular basis, one may join the BABT Subsription Service.

Write to Mr J Malcolm-Coe, Senior Technical Administrator [valid 1993], at the Surrey office.

BABT is not connected to BT. It is the British Approvals Board for Telecommunications, which awards "green circles" to telecoms equipment.

Note: BABT can only provide "approved" or "not approved" details of "apparatus". They will not comment upon the progress of a given apparatus through the BABT approvals process.

Version: 2.10 Last-modified: Time-stamp: <96/05/12 23:04:34 jrg>