Next: About this document
Up: Linux Installation and Getting
Previous: E.3 Appendix: How to
- ~@~
- to refer to home directory
- *@*
- -@- to begin command options
- .bash_profile@.bash_profile
- .bashrc@.bashrc
- .profile@.profile
- .tcshrc@.tcshrc
- /@/
- in pathnames
- /@/
- root directory name
- /bin/bash@/bin/bash
- /bin/csh@/bin/csh
- /bin/sh@/bin/sh
- /bin/tcsh@/bin/tcsh
- /dev/console@/dev/console
- /dev/cua@/dev/cua
- /dev/hd@/dev/hd
- /dev/lp@/dev/lp
- /dev/null@/dev/null
- /dev/pty@/dev/pty
- /dev/tty@/dev/tty
- /dev/ttyS@/dev/ttyS
- /etc/csh.login@csh.login
- /etc/fstab@/etc/fstab
- /etc/getty@/etc/getty
- /etc/group@/etc/group
- format of
- /etc/host.conf@/etc/host.conf
- /etc/hosts@/etc/hosts
- /etc/Image@/etc/Image
- /etc/init@/etc/init
- /etc/inittab@/etc/inittab
- /etc/networks@/etc/networks
- /etc/passwd@/etc/passwd
- /etc/profile@/etc/profile
- /etc/rc.local@/etc/rc.local
- /etc/rc@/etc/rc
- /etc/resolve.conf@/etc/resolve.conf
- /etc/zImage@/etc/zImage
- /etc@/etc
- /home@/home
- /Image@/Image
- /lib@/lib
- /proc@/proc
- /proc@/proc
- mounting of
- /sbin@/sbin
- /tmp@/tmp
- /usr/etc@/usr/etc
- /usr/g++-include@/urs/g++-include
- /usr/include@/usr/include
- /usr/lib@/usr/lib
- /usr/local@/usr/local
- /usr/man@/usr/man
- /usr/src@/usr/src
- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config@/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config
- /usr/X386@/usr/X386
- /usr@/usr
- /var/adm@/var/adm
- /var/spool@/var spool
- /var@/var
- /vmlinix@/vmlinux
- /zImage@/zImage
- 386BSD
- >@>
- <@<
- ?@?
- account
- creating
- addgroup@addgroup
- adding users
- adding users
- with adduser@with adduser
- with useradd@with useradd
- adduser@adduser
- afio@afio
- alpha
- archiving files|(
- archiving files|)
- argument
- command
- defined
- backflops@backflops
- backgrounding jobs
- background process
- backups
- incremental
- multi-volume
- to floppy disk
- backups|(
- backups|)
- bash@bash
- BBS list|(
- BBS list|)
- BBS software
- BBS software
- FidoNet
- beta
- bg@bg
- bin@/bin
- books|(
- books|)
- boot floppy
- boot floppy
- creating
- boot floppy|(
- boot floppy|)
- booting
- booting
- from maintenance floppy
- problems
- problems|(
- problems|)
- with LILO|(
- with LILO|)
- booting Linux
- with boot floppy
- booting non-Linux systems
- booting|(
- booting|)
- boot scripts
- Bourne again shell
- Bourne shell
- broadcast address
- defined
- bugs
- cat@cat
- to view file contents
- cat@cat
- cd@cd|(
- cd@cd|)
- cd@cd
- chfn@chfn
- chmod@chmod
- chsh@chsh
- client
- news
- defined
- C News
- Coherent
- command
- argument
- defined
- defined
- command not found error message@command not found error message
- commands
- -@- to begin options
- grouping with shell scripts
- summary of basic|(
- summary of basic|)
- commercial support
- compress@compress
- compressing files|(
- compressing files|)
- configuration scripts
- for TCP/IP
- console
- defined
- device name for
- virtual
- copy files
- copying Linux
- copying Linux|(
- copying Linux|)
- copyright|(
- copyright|)
- core dumps
- cp@cp
- cp@cp
- csh@csh
- C Shell (csh)@C Shell (csh)
- C Shell (csh)@C Shell (csh)
- current working directory
- defined
- databases
- debugging
- core dumps
- delete
- directory
- files
- deleting users
- deluser@deluser
- dev/sd@/dev/sd
- dev/sr@/dev/sr
- dev/st@/dev/st
- dev@/dev
- development
- alpha
- beta
- conventions
- device driver
- devices
- /dev/console@/dev/console
- /dev/cua@/dev/cua
- /dev/hd@/dev/hd
- /dev/lp@/dev/lp
- /dev/null@/dev/null
- /dev/pty@/dev/pty
- /dev/sd@/dev/sd
- /dev/sr@/dev/sr
- /dev/st@/dev/st
- /dev/tty@/dev/tty
- /dev/ttyS@/dev/ttyS
- accessing
- console
- fd@fd
- floppy disk
- hard drives
- null
- parallel ports
- pseudo-terminals
- serial ports
- virtual consoles
- dip@dip
- dip@dip
- static IP address with
- dip@dip
- dynamic IP address with
- dip@dip
- connecting to SLIP server with|(
- dip@dip
- chat script for|(
- dip@dip
- chat script for|)
- dip@dip
- connecting to SLIP server with|)
- directory
- . to refer to@. to refer to
- /etc@/etc
- /home@/home
- /lib@/lib
- /proc@/proc
- /sbin@/sbin
- /tmp@/tmp
- /usr/bin@/usr/bin
- /usr/etc@/usr/etc
- /usr/g++-include@/urs/g++-include
- /usr/include@/usr/include
- /usr/lib@/usr/lib
- /usr/local@/usr/local
- /usr/man@/usr/man
- /usr/src@/usr/src
- /usr/X386@/usr/X386
- /usr@/usr
- /var/adm@/var/adm
- /var/spool@/var spool
- /var@/var
- bin@/bin
- creating
- current working
- defined
- defined
- delete
- dev@/dev
- home
- defined
- to refer to@~ to refer to
- listing contents of|(
- listing contents of|)
- nesting
- parent
- parent
- .. to refer to@.. to refer to
- permisions
- execute
- read
- write
- permissions
- changing
- dependencies of
- root
- defined
- structure
- structure
- moving around in with cd@moving around in with cd
- tree
- working
- defined
- disabling users
- disasters
- recovery from
- with maintenance floppy
- recovery from|(
- recovery from|)
- distributions
- distributions
- Internet, getting from the
- list|(
- list|)
- mail order
- online sources
- distributions|(
- distributions|)
- documentation
- books
- books|(
- books|)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- HOWTO documents
- info files
- Linux Documentation Project
- Linux Documentation Project|(
- Linux Documentation Project|)
- Linux Software Map
- online
- online
- HOWTO documents
- online|(
- online|)
- texinfo@texinfo
- documentation|(
- documentation|)
- Doom
- e-mail
- mailer
- defined
- transport
- defined
- e-mail|(
- e-mail|)
- e2fsck@e2fsck
- e2fsck@e2fsck
- echo@echo
- editor
- defined
- editors
- efsck@efsck
- elm@elm
- Emacs
- emergencies
- recovery from
- with maintenance floppy
- recovery from|(
- recovery from|)
- end-of-text signal
- environment
- customizing|(
- customizing|)
- variables
- EOT (end of text) signal
- error messages
- command not found@error messages
- command not found
- ethernet
- ethernet
- supported cards
- executable
- defined
- executables
- exit@exit
- export@export
- fdisk@fdisk
- fdisk@fdisk
- under MS-DOS
- fdisk@fdisk|(
- fdisk@fdisk|)
- features
- kernel|(
- kernel|)
- system|(
- system|)
- fg@fg
- FidoNet
- file
- copy
- delete
- executable
- defined
- move
- filename
- defined
- filenames
- wildcard characters in|(
- wildcard characters in|)
- files
- appeding to
- archiving|(
- archiving|)
- backing up|(
- backing up|)
- compressing|(
- compressing|)
- defined
- device
- hidden
- not matched by wildcards
- inode numbers of
- links|(
- links|)
- listing permissions of with ls@listing permissions of with ls
- listing|(
- listing|)
- owership of by group
- owership of by user
- permisions
- execute
- read
- write
- permissions
- changing
- defined
- dependencies of
- group
- interpreting
- permissions of|(
- permissions of|)
- recovering
- viewing contents of
- filesystem
- exploring|(
- exploring|)
- filesystems
- filesystems
- /etc/fstab@/etc/fstab
- checking
- creating|(
- creating|)
- fixing corrupted
- mounting|(
- mounting|)
- on floppy disk
- root
- unmounting
- unmounting
- with shutdown or halt@unmounting with shutdown or halt
- filesystems|(
- filesystems|)
- filter
- defined
- find@find
- for incremental backups
- floating-point math
- floppy disk
- boot/root
- device names for
- maintenance
- unmounting
- floppy disks
- as backup medium
- file systems on
- forground process
- free software
- Free Software Foundation
- Frequently Asked Questions
- fsck@fsck
- fsck@fsck
- anonymous
- archive site list
- using|(
- using|)
- ftpmail@ftpmail
- fullname
- setting with chfn@setting with chfn
- functionality
- games
- games
- Doom
- gateway address
- defined
- gcc@gcc
- upgrading
- gdb@gdb
- General Public License|(
- General Public License|)
- getting help
- getty@getty
- General Public License|(
- General Public License|)
- gprof@gprof
- grep@grep
- groff@groff
- groupadd@groupadd
- group ID
- defined
- groups
- groups
- adding
- deleting
- groups@groups
- gzip@gzip
- hacker
- halt@halt
- hard drive
- problems
- hard drives
- device names for
- hardware
- problems
- conflicts|(
- conflicts|)
- hard drive|(
- hard drive|)
- SCSI|(
- SCSI|)
- problems|(
- problems|)
- hardware support
- controller
- drive space
- ethernet cards
- hard drive
- memory
- mice
- modems
- monitor
- motherboard
- printers
- tape drives
- video card
- hardware support|(
- hardware support|)
- help
- getting|(
- getting|)
- online
- home directory
- defined
- to refer to@~ to refer to
- hostname
- hostname
- defined
- setting
- hostname@hostname
- HOWTO documents
- ifconfig@ifconfig
- inetd@inetd
- Ingres
- init@init
- initialization files
- for shells
- initialization scripts
- for shells
- inittab@inittab
- inode number
- defined
- input
- redirecting
- installation
- boot floppy|(
- boot floppy|)
- booting Linux
- LILO|(
- LILO|)
- mke2fs@mke2fs|(
- mke2fs@mke2fs|)
- mkswap@mkswap|(
- mkswap@mkswap|)
- other procedures
- overview|(
- overview|)
- preparation|(
- preparation|)
- problems
- booting
- booting|(
- booting|)
- errors
- file permissions
- hardware|(
- hardware|)
- logging in
- media errors
- postinstallation|(
- postinstallation|)
- problems|(
- problems|)
- repartitioning
- repartitioning|(
- repartitioning|)
- installation|(
- installation|)
- Internet
- Internet
- mailing lists
- IP address
- defined
- job
- background
- background
- kill
- defined
- forground
- interupt
- inturpting
- kill
- restarting
- stopping
- suspended
- job control
- job control|(
- job control|)
- jobs@jobs
- kernel
- compiling
- compiling compressed image
- features|(
- features|)
- sources for
- upgrading
- kernel image
- compressed
- file name of
- kill@kill
- LaTeX@

- libraries
- libraries
- fixing corrupted
- shared
- upgrading
- as boot loader
- installing
- problems booting
- problems installing
- selecting default operating system for
- LILO|(
- LILO|)
- links
- display number of
- hard
- symbolic
- links|(
- links|)
- Linux
- and cost
- bugs
- commercial support
- copying
- copyright|(
- copyright|)
- development
- distributions
- getting
- history
- installing|(
- installing|)
- philosophy|(
- philosophy|)
- pronunciation
- sources of information
- stability
- system features|(
- system features|)
- Linux-Activists mailing list
- Linux Documentation Project
- Linux Documentation Project|(
- Linux Documentation Project|)
- Linux Journal
- Linux Software Map
- Linux|(
- Linux|)
- listing directory contents|(
- listing directory contents|)
- logging in
- logging in
- problems
- logging out
- with exit command@with exit command
- login
- login name
- defined
- login shell
- defined
- setting with chsh@setting with chsh
- ls@ls|(
- ls@ls|)
- ls@ls
- ls@ls
- listing file permissions with
- mailer
- for e-mail
- mailers
- mailing lists
- mailing lists
- Linux-Activists
- mail order
- mailx@mailx
- maintenance floppy
- man@man
- man@man
- manual pages
- master boot record
- Mbase
- Microsoft Windows
- Microsoft Windows
- emulator
- Minix
- mkdir@mkdir
- mkdir@mkdir
- mke2fs@mke2fs|(
- mke2fs@mke2fs|)
- mke2fs@mke2fs
- for floppy disk
- mkswap@mkswap|(
- mkswap@mkswap|)
- mkswap@mkswap
- money
- more@more
- more@more
- Motif
- mount@mount
- mounting floppy disk with
- mount@mount
- mount@mount
- to mount MS-DOS partition
- mount point
- defined
- move files
- accessing files from
- emulator
- mounting partion under Linux
- repartitioning
- running programs from Linux
- using Mtools to access files
- MS-DOS|(
- MS-DOS|)
- multitasking
- multitasking
- defined
- multiuser
- defined
- mv@mv
- mv@mv
- named@named
- nameserver address
- defined
- NET-2
- NET-2
- support for serial line Internet protocol (SLIP)
- NetBSD
- netstat@netstat
- network address
- defined
- networking
- networking
- and X Windows
- ethernet cards, supported
- NET-2
- news
- news|(
- news|)
- TCP/IP|(
- TCP/IP|)
- UUCP|(
- UUCP|)
- networking|(
- networking|)
- network mask
- defined
- news
- client
- defined
- news readers
- defined
- rn@rn
- tin@rn
- server
- C News
- defined
- news readers
- news readers
- defined
- news|(
- news|)
- null file
- operating sytems
- booting non-Linux
- OS/2|(
- OS/2|)
- output
- redirecting
- parallel port
- device name for
- parent directory
- parent directory
- .. to refer to@.. to refer to
- partitions
- partitions
- fdisk@fdisk
- fdisk@fdisk|(
- fdisk@fdisk|)
- Linux|(
- Linux|)
- size
- partition table
- passwd@passwd
- passwd@passwd
- password
- changing with passwd@changing with passwd
- defined
- fixing root
- password file
- format of
- pathname
- absolute
- defined
- full
- relative
- permissions
- changing
- defined
- dependencies of
- execute
- for shell scripts
- group
- interpreting
- of files|(
- of files|)
- problems
- read
- write
- pipelining
- defined
- pipes
- creating
- using|(
- using|)
- Postgres
- process
- background
- background
- kill
- defined
- forground
- ID
- defined
- interupt
- interupting
- kill
- ps to list@ps to list
- programming
- core dumps
- languages
- libraries
- utilities
- programming|(
- programming|)
- protected mode
- ps@ps
- pseudo-terminals
- rc.inet1@rc.inet1
- rc.inet1@rc.inet1
- sample
- rc.inet2@rc.inet2
- rc.inet2@rc.inet2
- rc.inet2@rc.inet2
- sample
- rc.inet@rc.inet
- rc.local@rc.local
- rc@rc
- rc@rc
- files
- defined
- rc@rc
- files
- for TCP/IP
- rdev@rdev
- reading
- suggested|(
- suggested|)
- redirection
- non-destructive
- standard input
- standard output
- repartitioning
- concepts
- fdisk@fdisk
- fdisk@fdisk
- under MS-DOS
- repartitioning|(
- repartitioning|)
- rm@rm
- rm@rm
- rmdir@rmdir
- rmdir@rmdir
- rn@rn
- root
- fixing password for
- root account
- eithical issues
- privleges of
- using different prompt for
- root account|(
- root account|)
- root device
- setting name of with rdev@setting name of with rdev
- root directory
- defined
- root filesystem
- route@route
- route@route
- entry in /etc/networks required for@entry in /etc/networks required for
- routed@routed
- scientific software
- problems|(
- problems|)
- SCSI devices
- names for
- security
- sendmail@sendmail
- serial line Internet protocol
- serial line Internet protocol|(
- serial line Internet protocol|)
- serial ports
- device names for
- setenv@setenv
- Seyon
- shareware
- shells
- shells
- Bourne again shell
- Bourne shell
- C shell
- defined
- initializtion files
- job control provided by
- prompt
- variables
- defined
- wildcard characters for|(
- wildcard characters for|)
- wildcard expansion
- shell script
- shell script
- defined
- shell scripts
- comments in
- defined
- initializtion
- permissions for
- variables in
- shells|(
- shells|)
- shell variables
- exporting to environment
- shutdown command@shutdown command
- shutdown command@shutdown command
- shutting down|(
- shutting down|)
- Slackware
- getting|(
- getting|)
- installing|(
- installing|)
- slattach@slattach
- connecting to server with dip@connecting to servier with dip
- device names for
- dynamic IP address with dip@dynamic IP address with dip
- static IP address with dip@static IP address with dip
- static IP address with slattach@static IP address with slattach
- SLIP|(
- SLIP|)
- Smail@Smail
- software
- bash@bash
- installing|(
- installing|)
- tcsh@tcsh
- upgrading|(
- upgrading|)
- where to find releases
- software|(
- software|)
- sound support
- sources of information|(
- sources of information|)
- stability
- standard input
- redirecting
- standard input|(
- standard input|)
- standard output
- redirecting
- standard output|(
- standard output|)
- standards
- startup scripts
- stattach@slattach
- static IP addresses with
- stdin
- stdout
- superblock
- defined
- fixing corrupted
- swap file
- swap file
- deleting
- swap file|(
- swap file|)
- swapoff@swapoff
- swapon@swapon
- swapon@swapon
- swap partition
- in /etc/fstab@in /etc/fstab
- swap space
- swap space
- creating temporary
- creating|(
- creating|)
- syslogd@syslogd
- system-defined accounts
- root@root
- system administration
- adding users
- booting Linux|(
- booting Linux|)
- duties
- security issues
- shutting down|(
- shutting down|)
- system security
- Tanenbaum, Andy
- tar@tar
- /etc/host.conf@/etc/host.conf
- /etc/hosts@/etc/hosts
- /etc/networks@/etc/networks
- /etc/resolve.conf@/etc/resolve.conf
- broadcast address
- configuration scripts for
- configuring
- debugging
- displaying routing tables
- gateway address
- hardware requirements for
- ifconfig@ifconfig
- inetd@inetd
- IP address
- named@named
- nameserver address
- NET-2 implementation of
- network address
- network mask
- over serial line|(
- over serial line|)
- point-to-point connection
- rc.inet1@rc.inet1
- rc.inet1@rc.inet1
- sample
- rc.inet2@rc.inet2
- rc.inet2@rc.inet2
- sample
- rc.inet@rc.inet
- route@route
- routed@routed
- device names for
- dynamic IP address with dip@dynamic IP address with dip
- static IP address with dip@static IP address with dip
- static IP address with slattach@static IP address with slattach
- SLIP|(
- SLIP|)
- syslogd@syslogd
- troubleshooting
- TCP/IP|(
- TCP/IP|)
- Tcsh
- tcsh@tcsh
- telecommunications|(
- telecommunications|)
- term@term
- TeX@

- texinfo@texinfo
- text editor
- comparing
- defined
- text editors
- text processing|(
- text processing|)
- tin@tin
- Torvalds, Linus
- transport
- for e-mail
- trouble
- running into|(
- running into|)
- defined
- umount@umount
- unmounting floppy disks with
- umount@umount
- basic concepts|(
- basic concepts|)
- commercial
- commercial|(
- commercial|)
- directory structure
- for the PC
- for the PC|(
- for the PC|)
- free implementations
- manual pages for
- multitasking
- defined
- popularity
- wizards
- unmounting filesystems
- upgrading
- Linux-related newsgroups
- posting tips
- user account
- creating
- useradd@useradd
- userdel@userdel
- user ID
- defined
- username
- defined
- users
- adding
- adding
- with adduser@adding with adduser
- with useradd@adding with useradd
- changing fullname for
- changing login shell for
- deleting
- disabling
- full name of
- group ID of
- home directory of
- in groups
- list groups for
- login shell of
- password of
- setting attributes for
- setting guidelines for
- setting password for
- system security and
- user ID of
- username of
- UUCP|(
- UUCP|)
- variables
- environment
- in shell scripts
- shell
- vendor
- list|(
- list|)
- vi@vi
- vi@vi|(
- vi@vi
- command mode
- vi@vi
- edit mode
- vi@vi
- last line mode
- vi@vi
- starting
- vi@vi
- inserting text|(
- vi@vi
- inserting text|)
- vi@vi
- deleting text|(
- vi@vi
- deleting text|)
- vi@vi
- changing text|(
- vi@vi
- changing text|)
- vi@vi
- moving cursor
- vi@vi
- saving changes
- vi@vi
- writing changes
- vi@vi
- quitting
- vi@vi
- switching files
- vi@vi
- including files
- vi@vi
- shell commands from
- vi@vi|)
- virtual consoles
- Volkerding, Patrick
- wildcard characters
- *@*
- ?@?
- defined
- in filnames|(
- in filnames|)
- wildcard expansion
- defined
- Windows NT|(
- Windows NT|)
- word processing
- working directory
- defined
- X11R6
- XF86Config@XF86Config
- XFree86
- XFree86
- configuration file for
- configuring
- hardware requirements for
- installing
- RAM requirements for
- video chipsets supported by
- xfsck@xfsck
- X Window System
- defined
- X Window System|(
- X Window System|)
Matt Welsh