Note: you can't have both a.out and ELF support compiled as modules. Otherwise, you get a nice Catch-22 when you try to run insmod to install a.out/ELF support so you can run insmod ;-). If you have an all-ELF system, but need a.out for the occasional Netscape session, then you can do a.out support as a module. Otherwise, you should probably leave it in the kernel, and if you haven't gone ELF yet, you can probably leave out ELF compleately.
Load command: /sbin/modprobe binfmt_aout.o No module parameters.
Load command: /sbin/modprobe binfmt_elf.o No module parameters.
). JAVA is an object oriented programming language developed by SUN; JAVA programs are compiled into "JAVA bytecode" which can then be interpreted by run time systems on many different operating systems. These JAVA binaries are becoming a universal executable format. This option allows you to run a Java binary just like any other Linux program: by typing in its name.
Load command: /sbin/modprobe binfmt_java.o No module parameters.