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7. dosemu and X-windows

7.1 Can I run dosemu in console mode while running X?

Ronald Schalk ( reported (1/17/94) that

Yes, no problem. Just remember to use ctrl-alt-<Fn> to go to a Virtual Console (VC), and you can run any Linux application (dosemu is a linux-application). I've got almost always WP5.1 in a dos session.

[Note: Use ctrl-alt-F7 to switch back to X from dosemu.]

7.2 Is it possible to run dosemu in a window in X-windows?

Mark Rejhon ( reported (4/8/95) that

If you have X installed and you have successfully compiled dosemu and run it successfully outside X-windows, you should be able to run "xdos" or "dos -X" right away to bring up a dosemu window. If this does not work, make sure:

  1. Dosemu has X support compiled in (X_SUPPORT=1 in the Makefile).

  2. Installed the VGA font.  You can do this by running the
      'xinstallvgafont' script in the dosemu-0.60 source directory:
         sh xinstallvgafont

  3. Set up your X key-mappings.  In an xterm, type

     xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = 0xff08"
     xmodmap -e "keycode 107 = 0xffff"

     These lines fixes the backspace and delete keys respectively.

  4. Configured the X-related configuration options in your 
     /etc/dosemu.conf file.

Alternatively, you can run dosemu inside a color xterm, which is not recommended because many color xterms have buggy support for the complex text display capabilities of dosemu. This does not require X_SUPPORT to be compiled into dosemu. However, if you really want to do this, do the following steps:

  1. Install ansi_xterm.  The recommended package is available as:

  2. Installed the VGA font.  You can do this by running the
      'xinstallvgafont' script in the dosemu-0.60 source directory:
         sh xinstallvgafont

  3. Set up your X key-mappings.  In an xterm, type

     xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = 0xff08"
     xmodmap -e "keycode 107 = 0xffff"

     These lines fixes the backspace and delete keys, respectively.
  4. Configured the terminal-related (not X-related) settings in

Marty Leisner ( reported (3/31/95) that

I have xrdb log the following resources

dosxterm*Font:  vga
dosxterm*geometry:      80x25
dosxterm*saveLines: 25
or I alias "dosxterm" to "term -fn vga -title dosxterm -geometry 80x25 -sl 25"

If you use the xrdb method, all you have to do is run "xterm -name dosxterm"

7.3 Does ansi emulation work properly?

Marty Leisner ( reported (3/31/95) that

Yes. I use under X windows. I find 25, 43 and 50 line mode work properly, however 50 line mode is difficult to use on a 1024x768 screen (unless smaller fonts are used are you use a bigger screen. 43 line mode will resize the xterm window to use 43 lines.

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