TurboCell Authentication
Wireless system authentication is one of the most important
features available in TurboCell. Most wireless systems
have a "shared secret" form of authentication,
in which every node in the wireless network has a matching
pass phrase. This system works well in a controlled environment,
in which only administrators have access to wireless station
configuration (such as outdoor Point-to-Multipoint
environments). However, in large public access networks,
these models are not enough to provide security.
KarlNet realizes the inherent vulnerability in these
forms of authentication for large networks and has made
revolutionary improvements in the TurboCell security model.
First of all, wireless PC clients are locked in to a particular
Access Pass Phrase by their TurboCell License
Number. This discourages the changing of Pass Phrases
by wireless clients, since a change in pass phrase without
a parallel change in license number will cause their station
to cease to connect with any other station.
KarlNet is also making major improvements in wireless
client authentication and management, most notably securing
station authentication by MAC address, and user
authentication by CHAP username and password. Both
of these authentication schemes is capable of making use
of a centralized RADIUS
authentication server for centralized user and station
management. The release date for station and user authentication
to RADIUS is scheduled for the first quarter of 2000.
In addition to the methods mentioned above, KarlNet is
performing additional research into authenticating the
ISP Base Station to wireless clients, to ensure that the
user is connecting to a trusted base station.