Advanced IP
In addition to the
advanced bridging features available in the KarlBridge,
KarlNet has several groups of advanced features specifically
for IP networks.
Any KarlNet system can be upgraded to include 100 Mbps
Routing with support for RIP
The IP Firewall
product is available on any KarlBridge or KarlRouter system,
and is a 100 Mbps filtering
IP firewall with authenticated bypass support.
The IP Tunneling
feature with optional encryption
is available for creating Virtual Private Networks which
pass Ethernet packets between Local Area Networks over
the Internet.
Network Address
Translation (NAT/NAPT) is available for reducing the
number of external IP addresses needed to connect a local
network to the Internet.
Support for DHCP,
the Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol is available for creating Plug-and-Play
network connections.
For examples of how the advanced IP features can be applied
in your network, visit the Solutions
section of our Online Library.